
Fi Rihabi-illah

Roughly Translated:

I'm abandoned at Your door
to whom else would i resort
I came to You with depression
wishing to gain Your compassion


O my Lord, Your my supporter, Your Merciful
Send Your mercy upon this weepy stand-up slave
Hope in You is never frustrated
You're the Tolerant and The Close
I raised my hands, hoping in You, don't reject me O Respondent


O my Lord, i came with baggages
laid them down and then buckled
In subservience i'm asking for satisfaction
Forgive my sins and what i gained

who would answer my prayer except You
if i'm rejected, then it's regret, suffer and misery


from Your downpour i sip
to Your holy door i step
Accept my prayer, O my Creator, I'm a distracted lover
Seal my life with satisfaction
Forgive my shameful past
Let paradise be my destiny, and protect me from Hell's fire

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