Monday, October 29, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
This noble lady, known to us as Mother of the Believers and the first wife of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him), was the first person ever to accept Islam after it had been revealed to him by Jibreel(Angel Gabriel).
This noble woman, too, would love and support the Prophet for the rest of her life, no matter what difficulties he faced and no matter what people said about him or about her. Her acceptance of Islam was total.
There is a truly beautiful story told by Yahyaibn`Afeef about an occasion when he visited Makkah to stay with Al-`Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib, one of the uncles of the Prophet.
When the sun started rising, he said, "I saw a man who came out of a place not far from us, faced the Ka`bah, and started performing his prayers. He hardly started before being joined by a young boy who stood on his right side, then by a woman who stood behind them. When he bowed down, the young boy and the woman bowed, and when he stood up straight, they, too, did likewise. When he prostrated himself, they, too, prostrated themselves."
Then he expressed his amazement at that, saying to Al-`Abbas, "This is quite strange, `Abbas!"
"Is it really?" retorted Al-`Abbas, who asked his guest if he knew who this man was and went on to tell him, "He is Muhammad ibn `Abdullah, my nephew. Do you know who the young boy is?"
When Yahyha said that he didn't know, he was told, "He is `Ali ibn Abi Talib. Do you know who the woman is?" The answer came again in the negative, to which Al-`Abbas said, "She is Khadijah bint Khuaylid, my nephew's wife" (Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi).
Her story is important to us not just because she was one of the four most noble ladies ever to have lived (the others being her daughter Fatimah; Maryam, the mother of Jesus; andAsiyah,the wife of Pharaoh, who saved the baby Moses), but because we can learn from her about how to accept Islam in our own lives, too.
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid was born in 565 CE, and she belonged to the distinguished Makkah tribe of Banu Hashim. Both her parents were very wealthy and she inherited their wealth when they died. It does not concern us here to detail every moment of her life, but rather to describe her life in terms of her journey to Islam and her life as a Muslim, helping us to be better Muslims as a result.
Most unusually, in a society given over to idol worship, she never believed in idols or prayed to them. She was so upstanding a person and so respected among her people that she was one of the most distinguished ladies of Quraish. Khadijah was known as At-Tahirah (the Pure One).
She had twice been married, having lost both of her husbands in battle, and did not seek to marry a third time, lest she should lose this husband, too. At the time, Makkah was a great trading center and Khadijah was one of the wealthiest traders in the city. It is said, for example, that when the trading caravans used to gather to set off for Syria or Yemen, Khadijah's caravan would equal those of all the rest of the Quraish put together.
So it was that the noble lady Khadijah asked her very distant younger cousin, Muhammad, to lead one of her caravans to Syria, on account of the trustworthiness of his character. The trading expedition was a great success, even though Muhammad knew nothing of trade. He impressed Khadijah by his character. Of all the men she could have chosen, Muhammad was the one she offered marriage to. Muhammad, 25 years old at the time, accepted, even though Khadijah was 15 years his senior.
The marriage was to last until Khadijah died. The couple were devoted to each other. She bore his children and she accompanied him in every endeavor. When the Qur'an was first revealed to Muhammad by Jibreel,
Muhammad did not know what this new message could mean and he rushed back to his wife to find an answer. Was it that something terrible had happened to him, he thought. Khadijah's answer was clear: "Never," she told him. "I swear by Allah, Allah would never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your family, help the feeble and destitute, serve your guests generously, and assist those who deserve help."
She took Muhammad to see her cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, an old and devout Christian man, who had left paganism for Christianity. The rest of the story is familiar to us. Waraqah confirmed that the messenger who had spoken to Muhammad was none other than Jibreel, who had spoken to Moses, and that Muhammad was Allah's Prophet.
Of all people in the world, it was Khadijah who was the first to accept Islam. Without question, and trusting totally in the honesty and the sincerity of Muhammad, she declared her belief in the Oneness of Allah and that Muhammad was His Messenger.
It is beyond the scope of these few brief lines to say more about the noble Khadijah. Muhammad took no other wife while she was alive. At her death, she was buried outside Makkah in a grave dug by the Prophet himself. The Prophet was later to remark of his beloved Khadijah that "she believed in me when all others disbelieved; she held me truthful when others called me a liar; she sheltered me when others abandoned me; she comforted me when others shunned me; and Allah granted me children by her while depriving me of children by other women."
Apart from the beauty of her character and her devout and pious life as a Muslim, Khadijah teaches us to submit totally to Allah. Her life asks us to accept without question the promptings of Allah in our own lives. She teaches us to love our Prophet as much as she did, and to be with him in all that we do. She touches our hearts with her tender love for the Prophet and by the way she sheltered him throughout life. Instead of mouthing words that cost nothing, she dedicated her life to Allah and to His Prophet.
As At-Tahirah, Khadijah invites us, too, to live lives that are pure and to become better Muslims, for Allah's sake. In sha' Allah, her life and example will inspire us to draw others to Islam.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
about Islam
Who is Allah?
Allah means God. It is a personal name, which Allah calls Himself in the Koran. That is where we get it. It can also be found in an Aramaic copy of the Bible, and even Christian Arabs say Allah.
Who is Jesus to us?
Jesus peace be upon Him is a true prophet. Sent by Allah like Moses, Abraham, Lot, Noah, Jonah, Joseph …etc.
Who were Jesus's parents?
Jesus is the son of Virgin Mary, and he had no father. Allah created Jesus.
Can Jesus, or Mohammed peace be upon them be worshipped?
No, Allah does not accept that a cow, a person, an angel, a prophet, a stone, or anything be worshipped in place of him, or even along with Him. Worship must be to Allah the creator of them.
Is Allah the same as what Christians call the father?
Allah is the creator who Jesus worshipped. He is the Creator who spoke to Moses, and split the sea for Moses, and his followers. That is Allah. But Allah tells us: "Say Allah is one, He is Perfect, He has never begotten, nor was He begott, and there is no one equal to Him".
Is there a trinity in Islam?
No. Allah is perfect.
Do we believe that Allah created the heavens and earth in 6 days?
Yes, but He did not rest on the seventh day, because He did not get tired. Allah is perfect He does not get tired, nor does He sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, feel pain, or die for that matter.
Can we see Allah?
Allah is not like the sun. Anyone can see the Sun. But Allah is the most beautiful. Nothing is as beautiful as Allah. Actually looking at Allah is the greatest pleasure of the people in Pradise. This pleasure Allah does not give anyone but the believers. So no one will see Allah before he dies.
Does Allah see us?
Allah sees us, and knows everything about us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. There is not a leaf on a tree that blows away, or stays in its place except that He knows it. There is not a dry spot, nor a wet spot, nor a grain in the depths of the earth except that Allah knows it.
Do we have free will?
Yes, of course. Allah does not punish us for something we did not do on our own. But at the same time, our will is not inspire of Allah's will. We cannot do anything if Allah will not allow it. In other words nothing goes on in Allah's kingdom without His will.
Did Allah create Evil?
Yes, Allah created the good, and the bad. Whatever bad happens to us is due to our sins. We sin and Allah pardons much of what we do; however, when something bad happens to us it is our fault, and we are to blame. Bad things that happen to a person are a chance for that person to reflect, and ask: ”Why is this happening to me?” A chance for a person to return from his sin, and obey, and worship Allah.
Do bad things happen to the believers (good people)?
Yes, they do. But they appear bad to the believers cause they are things people don't like. Who likes breaking a leg? However, when a bad thing happens to a believer this believer is patient. He praises Allah in all circumstances. He knows Allah does not decree something unless it is for his own good.
But how can breaking a leg are good for a beleiver?
Because it is a chance for the believer to think about what he did wrong.
Also because Allah forgives much of what we do, but those things we are not forgiven, they are forgiven due to our patience when we are struck by a calamity. Allah gives us better reward when a problem strikes us on earth if we are patient. This reward can be on earth, and it can be in Heaven.
Does Allah hear my prayers?
Does Allah answer my prayers?
We know that Allah answers all the prayers of the believers. This can be in 4 ways:
1- Get what we are asking for!
2- Get something as good or better!
3- We get spared something bad that would have happened otherwise.
4- We get rewarded on the day of Judgment with a much greater reward than what we were asking for on earth.
When does Allah not answer our prayers?
* When it is bad for us!
* When we ask, but not from our heart!
* When we say: I asked and asked and He did not answer.
* When we eat, drink, and wear unlawful, food, and clothes, and property that wa earned either through interest from the bank, or that was stolen, or if the food was pork, or the like.
What can I ask of Allah?
Any thing but don't ask Him to do things like make you a prophet. Cause He has already said that there will be no more prophets.
You can ask Allah for guidance. Meaning you can ask Him to show you the correct religion.
Who are my best friends?
Your best friends are the ones that care where you go after you are dead. This is like the prophets. They cared that we go to heaven, even if it meant some hardship on earth.
Who is my worst enemy?
That would be the devils, whether they are human devils (evil people), or Jinn devils (like Iblis) The Arabic word for a devil is Shaytan (similar to Satan). Satan wants us all to go to hell. He wants us to be bad on earth, even if we get rich, or do lots of wrong things that we appear to enjoy, he does not mind that. But he wants to make sure we don't go to heaven.
What is it that keeps us from entering Heaven?
Worship of anyone other than Allah is the greatest sin. It is called shirk, and this is not forgiven except through repentance.
Where is Allah?
Allah is the highest. He is high above ALL of His creation. He is ascended upon a Throne, which is greater than the heavens, and the Earth. Much much much greater than the heavens and the earth. So much greater that the heavens and the earth could fit in the footstool of the throne, and they would be like a ring thrown into an open desert. Allah is certainly the greatest.
Does Allah look like us?
No Allah is perfect. He is not like any of His creation. He has told us that He has Hands, Eyes, a Face, and Foot. But all of these attributes are befitting to His might and Glory.
A Muslim does not say a single thing about Allah other than what Allah says about Himself. We don't say He is like a clover, He got tired, He is Jealous!
Allah is Perfect, and Unique.
What does it mean to believe in Allah?
It means to believe in Allah in total perfection, and uniqueness.
It means to believe in His prophets cause they are His, and He sent them. We cannot pick and choose. A Muslim must believe in all the prophets of Allah.
It means to believe in the Angles! We must love them all, we cannot hate an Angel say, for example, to hate Michael who is charged with rain, and the vegetation of the Earth, or Gabriel who is charged with revelation (brings down the scriptures to the prophets).
It means to believe in Allah's predestination of good, and bad (relative to us, but to Allah everything Allah does is good).
It means to believe in the last day: The day of Judgment.
When is the Day of Judgment?
Only Allah knows.
Are there signs for the day of Judgment?
Plenty, plenty, plenty. Many have already occurred.
To name a few,
Objects will begin to talk.
There will be much killing. The killer won't know why he killed, and the guy that was killed won't know why he was killed.
The Antichrist will come.
Prophet Jesus son of Mary will return.
Gog and Magog will be set free.
The sun will rise from the west (after this one there can be no more repentance)
What about non-Muslims do they go to heaven?
Allah only accepts Islam. He says in the Koran: "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam it won't be accepted of him, and he will be one of the loosers in the hereafter". I would rather loose anywhere, but not loose in the hereafter. This is because Hellfire is eternal. It never ends, and we never die when we go there, if we go there.
What about someone who never heard of Islam?
Allah is the most just. Don't even think that we can be nicer than Allah. Allah is the Most Just, and He said in the Koran "We were not to punish till having sent a warner". The "We" here is the majestic we used in Arabic. So if a person never heard about Islam, and was never warned clearly Allah would have a special test for that person that He knows is equal to the chance that person would have had on earth.
How do we know Islam is the truth?
It is the only religion that:
1- Hold Allah as One, Unique, and Perfect.
2- A lonly worship of Allah, not Jesus, not an idol, and not an angel only Allah.
3- The Koran does not contain contradictions.
4- The Koran contains scientific facts, which are 1300 years ahead of their time. The Koran while revealed 1400 years ago contains scientific facts, which are only now being discovered. It is not in contradiction to science.
5- Allah challenges the world to produce the like of the Koran. And He says they won't be able to.
6- Prophet Mohammed was the most influential man in History. Even a non-Muslim wrote a book called the 100 most influential men in History, and Prophet Mohammed was #1. Prophet Jesus was #3. Note even Prophet Jesus was a prophet sent by Allah. Would Allah allow a false prophet to be so successful? No. Even the Bible says this in Deuteronomy 18:19. A false prophet would die!!! Yet Prophet Mohammed did not die till he completely conveyed, and taught Allah's religion.
7- He had many prophecies, and all of his prophecies have come true, or are still coming true.
Most importantly is this:
Allah created us, and we know that we should only worship Him. This is an instinct Allah has created us with. He did not just leave us, rather He sent prophets for us. These prophets had miracles as proof. The miracle for us today is the Koran. There is no other religion that worships only Allah, and believes in Him as totally perfect, and believes in all of His prophets, and scriptures.
Can anyone become a Muslim?
Yes anyone can. There are two declarations, which are necessary:
1- To bear witness that no one deserves to be worship except Allah
2- To bear witness that Prophet Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah.
This makes a person Muslim. But it should be said in Arabic. Next a person takes a shower, and He/She is a Muslim.
Then What?
After a person becomes Muslim he/she is taught about Prayers, Fasting, the Poor due, Pilgrimage. These are pillars of Islam.
Then What?
Muslims are brothers. A Muslim should love for his brother what he loves for himself. Allah's wealth does not run out, and Allah can provide for us all. We pray for each other, and love each other, and love for our brothers and sisters
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
Alcorão & Sunnah
Sunnah palavra árabe Suna significa ‘um caminho’, e logo, suna do profeta significa os caminhos do profeta, ou aquilo que é normalmente conhecido como Tradições do Profeta. Terminologicamente, a palavra “Suna” significa também os feitos, dizeres e aprovações do Profeta Muhammad durante os seus 23 anos de profeta, e isto significa que tudo o que ele disse, fez ou aprovou durante o seu tempo como profeta e mensageiro de Allah é considerado uma suna, e os muçulmanos têm de seguir e praticar as suas tradições. Os registros validados (a "hadith") desse "caminho", constituem um exemplo moral para os muçulmanos.
Suna, deste modo, é a segunda fonte da lei islâmica após o sagrado Alcorão. O sagrado Alcorão, que é a palavra de Allah incorporada no livro chamado “Mus-haf”, e a Suna incorporada em muitos livros, os mais importantes sendo: Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan An-Nasai, Sunan Attirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, e Sunan Abu Daud, que perfazem um corpo de lei islâmica e directivas divinas para muçulmanos em todo o mundo.
A Suna, ao contrário da Hadith, é o caminho ou feitos do Nobre Profeta Muhammad durante o seu período de profecia enquanto que a Hadith é uma colecção de suas narrações e aprovações durante o mesmo período.
As duas palavras são praticamente equivalentes quando se referindo às tradições do Profeta, mas na verdade existe uma diferença entre as duas. Hadiths são classificadas quanto ao seu estatuto, em relação aos seus textos e à sua cadeia de transmissores. Académicos de Hadiths estudaram a Suna do profeta desde o seu contexto bem como os seus transmissores por forma a estabelecer o que é verdade e o que é falso nestes hadiths.
Através da pesquisa do transmissores da Hadith, académicos da Hadith chegaram a um sistema para saber as diferentes categorias da Hadith, e de como avaliar o texto por forma a estabelecer se ele é correcto, bom, fraco ou falso.
A Suna deve ser distinguida da fiqh, que são as opiniões de juristas religiosos, e o Alcorão, que é uma revelação em si e não um registro.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
Allah has stated in the Holy Qur'an:
"… whoever disbelieves in false deities and believes in Allah, hath grasped the most trustworthy Handhold, that will never break…" (2:256) we have to consider that when we declare from our heart that "there is no god (diety) worthy to be worshipped but Allah." It implies on our part of love, devotion, faith and obedience to the rules of Islamic legislation which are legally binding on all Muslims. It is requirement of "there is no god worthy to be worshipped but Allah," to love for the sake of Allah and to reject for the sake of Allah. This is the firmest anchor of belief which materializes the meaning of "AL-WALA and "AL-BARA". It means that a Muslim should love and be loyal to his Muslim brothers. He should, as a practice, dissociate himself completely from practices of the unbelievers and refuse to be influenced by them, both in worldly and religious matters. We conclude with a humble prayer to Allah that He may cleanse the hearts and souls of those who are genuine seekers of truth and may He bless the community of believers. Ameen.
Islamic Educational Foundation, 1421 AH
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
Alef, Lam, Ra'. Um Livro que te temos revelado para que retires os humanos das trevas (e os transportes) para a luz, com a anuência de seu Senhor, e o encaminhes até à senda do Poderoso, Laudabilíssimo. (14: 01)
O Alcorão Sagrado
4 Suratas do Alcorão
Recitação do Alcorão Sagrado
Alcorão Sagrado o Milagre Eterno
A Preservação do Alcorão Sagrado
Alcorão Sagrado a Palavra de Deus
O Alcorão Sagrado em Português - Prof. Samir El Hayek
Alcorão Sagrado: A Última Mensagem de Deus Para a Humanidade
Monday, October 01, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
A Mulher Muçulmana
O Significado do Hijab
A Voz da Mulher no Islam
O Lugar da Mulher no Islam
A Mulher No Alcorão e na Sunnah
A Libertação das Mulheres Através do Islam
A Questão do Hijab: Repressão ou Libertação?
Casamento Temporário Também Chamado Mut'a
Os Cinco Pilares da fé
O Islam Num Relance
O Islam e os Muçulmanos
A Base Ideológica do Islam
Islam- A Religião da Coerência
Os Princípios Básicos do Islam
Monday, October 01, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
Links de Páginas Islâmicas
Livros On-line
Portal Islâmico
A Voz Muçulmana Na Internet
UNI - União Nacional das Entidades Islâmicas
CEDI - Centro de Estudos e Divulgação do Islam
WAMY - Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica
CDIAL - Centro de Divulgação do Islam para America Latina
Centro Cultural Beneficente Árabe Islâmico de Foz do Iguaçu
Inglês & Árabe:
Monday, October 01, 2007
Postado por Khadijah
WorldTimeServer Clock
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Sonific SongSpot
Sobre mim

- Khadijah
- Miami, Sunshine state, United States
- I love anything that looks pretty - animals, nature, pictures, architecture, paintings, babies, cartoons, Disney, and everything else that is cute... One of my plans is to travel frequently and see as much of the world as I can. Different lifestyles, landmarks, or anything concerned with history and natural beauty are some of the things that make life extremely interesting to me. I am addicted to old TV shows and movies about different realities. I like to picture how interesting it would be if I was in their place or lived in a different world. I don't have any serious hobbies but I do like to organize and simplify everything I do. I can be extremely crafty and creative when I'm in the right mood. I also love helping kids and for that reason I've decided to become a teacher. In my opinion, children today are becoming distracted from what's important and they need our help in order to become knowledgeable, happy and honest adults. To summarize, I am dedicated and focused, and hopefully I'll have the chance to accomplish what I have in mind.


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